The following information elaborates Onlineprivacytips.co privacy policy. Policies are updated time to time, so we suggest you to always keep yourself up to date.
Changes in privacy policy will always updated in this section and it is broken down in to:
- What type of personal data is collected, monitored, used or saved
- To whom the data is shared
- How to add detail and rectify information
What Information we Collect & Monitor
At Onlineprivacytips.co, we know the importance of securing your personal data and information. This section of privacy policy will provide you the details about what data and personal information we ask from our subscribers, and under what circumstances.
We need your personal data and information when you subscribe on this platform, request for daily update, newsletter, completing survey, and when you contact us for any query or other activities related to content on our platform.
On onlineprivacytips.co, you have the control over engaging with any activity that requests for your personal information. However, if you are not ready to provide your necessary personal information, you may not be able to access or engage with some of our services.
How We Use Your Personal Information
We use personal data and information in the following ways
- To keep you up to date with news related to your interest, activities, notifications and guidelines through emails
- For assisting us in finding and creating content based on your interest
- To invite you for exciting onlineprivacytips.co offers and events that may be of interest to you
- For providing you better and improve services in order to satisfy your needs
Onlineprivacytips.co maintains the services of external representatives to render services for us. Our external representatives are strictly restricted to keep the personal data and information of our subscribers safe and confidential. They are only allow to use personal data for onlineprivacytips.co.
However, if any government authority asks about your personal data on legal basis, we may provide them according to their need and procedure.
With all due respect, we do not provide our subscribers personal data without your confirmation, opt-in authorization.
If you don’t want to get continue with news alert notification from Onlineprivacytips.co, you can pull-out by unsubscribing the associated email or mailing us back with the subject line of “unsubscribe” any time. We will update your request in our database.
At Onlineprivacytips.co, we always follows international security standards in order to secure your personal data and information. These security standards includes digital and technical process to protect your information from perversion, anonymous access, destruction, customization, infringement or loss.
Onlineprivacytips.co use cookies based on our need. Cookie is a special file that can be only send by the website to your browser. Cookies are used to navigate the website to represent the information according to your browser settings.
Onlineprivacytips.co use cookies to provide you instant feature. For instance, to notify when you subscribe, so our users don’t have to sign in again and again whenever they want to visit our website.
Still if you are not comfortable with cookies, you can disable them from your browser setting or customized it to notify you whenever any website tries to set cookies. We also use cookies to monitor your visit for our website only.
Onlineprivacytips.co web servers may automatically track your IP address, but will keep you anonymous, which means it doesn’t reveal your identity.
Google Analytics
At Onlineprivacytips.co, we use Google Analytics to monitor visitors on our website under Google terms and condition.
With the help of Google Analytics, we monitor and record the activities of visitors regarding actions they do on our website. The data we collected through Google Analytics, we make sure to keep it safe and secure as much as possible.
However, at Onlineprivacytips.co, we ask you for the permission before Google Analytics processes and record your data.
Social Platforms
At Onlineprivacytips.co, we offer sharing button feature to share our informative and exciting content on different social websites (such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.)
When you share our content on these social platforms, they use cookies to collect some specific amount of data. However, we have no concern with the cookies used by these social websites. Therefore, we recommend you to check their privacy statement too.
Statistical Data
Onlineprivacytips.co monitors names of domains, browser types, and IP addresses of audience who visit our website.
Onlineprivacytops.co only use this information to create traffic statistical data for our website. This statistical data is not related to any kind of personal information with respect to our subscribers.
Other Organizations Privacy Policy
At Onlineprivacytips.co website, we have links to the websites of other organizations. Remember that we don’t take any responsibility related to privacy policies of these organizations.
We suggest you to go through their privacy policies, as it may be similar to our privacy policies.
What is Non-Confidential Data & Information
Commenting and sharing information on Onlineprivacytips.co forum is consider as public information and will not be taken as personal or confidential information.
All subscribers have the right to use the public information that is posted and shared by others. Please do not share any confidential data or fake information, which creates trouble for you.
Contact Us
If you still have any query related to our privacy policy, feel to contact us at :